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A new testing element

I was thinking about making a tear as inspired by Bioshock: Infinite. The tears are a lot like a collapsible world portal. You can see what I like to call a free-floating tear in the following videos: starting at 4:49. starting at 0:25. starting at 1:15.

The tear is literally a tear in space/time. It allows people, objects, and animals to enter our reality from parallel realities and vice-versa. The differences between a world portal and a tear include:
1) world portals only connect parts of a test chamber that are not touching while the tear connects different dimensions together.
2) world portals can only be opened and closed like a door, not collapsed into a rip in the fabric of space/time.
3) world portals cannot be looked through when they are closed.

My question is does anyone have any suggestions for making a tear in Portal 2? I will upload the tear when I have finished it and will make sure, if you have helped, you will get credit.

Wow! That was...uh, yeah. Just, yeah.

The only way, really, I can see it being done is via linked portal doors. However a point_teleport could work, with some careful use, although that doesn't preserve your positioning.

(Bumping so others can see).


How would a point_teleport make it work?

Wow! That was...uh, yeah. Just, yeah.

This seems pretty complicated to work right. For the closed tear, an animated sprite probably would work best, maybe using the SolidEnergy shader (fizzlers, light bridges, laserfields use this). The info_camera_link entity might help, it can render another area in a material, so you can see the other area. env_tesla might also be useful to create lighting emitting from the tear. Maybe you might be able to rotate the worldportal with a script to make it face the player, or lock it in a direction if needed.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]
TeamSpen210 wrote:
...env_tesla might also be useful to create lighting emitting from the tear...

Did you mean point_tesla? That could be interesting as a way to create the flaring energy of the tear. In combination with the info_partical_system that creates the "vacuum" you get from a pneumatic diversity vent, you could quite easily recreate the energy flow into the tear.

Wow! That was...uh, yeah. Just, yeah.

I hate to bump my own comment, but would anyone be willing to create the texture for me? I will credit you in the final object's readme file if you do.

Wow! That was...uh, yeah. Just, yeah.