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Adding Birds

Hello everyone,

First post yay. I'm trying to make a room full of birds but I don't know how to go about it. In hlf2 you could make them with "npc_crow" but that doesn't seem to exist in portal 2. I'm still pretty new to mapping process so any help is greatly appreciated.

make a prop_dynamic, click world model parameter on first tab, look through npc section and find the crow. It has limited animations, but with some parenting and some paths and tracks, or whatever your imaginations comes up with, you can make it do some things

Just when I think I understand the system, it changes on me.

yea, in portal 2 the bird is only limited to a couple of animations and path_tracks.
They're no real npc's like in the half-life series, so if you plan to add a bird you should use a pre-defined path.

Any explanation or links for how to create a path for the bird? I want to put the crow in mine, and basically I just want him to fly around wherever, but if I have to determine his path, I will. I just don't know how.

As it stands, the bird is frozen in the air when I run the map and I haven't figured out how to make him move at all.

I have the bird flying around on a pathtrack now. It looks dumb, but now I can hopefully refine it. Anyone have any tips on animating it? It just looks like a 2D paper bird at the moment.

Yup. That is why you probably shouldn't add birds to portal 2 map.
Its really hard to simulate birds path.
But remember, if you cant make crows flying around. Make zombies.

My tip for birds: use pre-defined animations, that'll give the best result ;)