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Aperture Déjà vu

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Both of those seem quite unreasonable and a little too far fetched...

I like the second one a little bit more 8)

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
Mek wrote:
I like the second one a little bit more 8)

ye, i like that better too.
i think i gonna make it more like that one.
I want to make a new start of a portal map. not just wake up from a bed, everyone have that..

That's why in mine you wake up on the floor of an elevator :D
So original :P

OH! But I like the first story better. Sounds exciting!

dvlstx wrote:
That's why in mine you wake up on the floor of an elevator :D
So original :P

OH! But I like the first story better. Sounds exciting!

Have you played my other map?
like "Skinnycap_last"
then you wake up on the floor of an elevator^^

The second Story would have to be placed before Prelude, because there would be people working there. First Story works after and before Prelude. Someone from Black Mesa could try and steal the Portal gun^^. I'm for the first one :),


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