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Ball Launcher Infinite Balls problem

Hi there, i'm currently making a map, and used espen's godly tutorial, but i have experienced a problem.

When i have a ball go through a portal, the ball's life is replenished for a couple of seconds. Thus, if you have the ball going through portals you can keep it alive forever.

Whilst the first ball is bouncing around, the ball launcher fires a second ball whilst the first ball is still alive. This continues indefinately. Is there anyway to make it so that the ball launcher can only fire another ball if the previously ball has been destroyed?


P.s. love the site.

?But there?s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!?

1. Remove the logic_timer and logic_auto.

2. Enter a respawn time for the orb. (4.0f) (the f is necessary)

3. Have the logic_relay be fired by the point_energy_ball_spawner (OnPostLaunch or something)

4. Remove the LaunchBall output from the point_energy_ball_spawner.

5. Uncheck the point_energy_ball_spawner's "start inactive" flag.

That should do it. :)

Sanity is not statistical.

Works likes a charm. Thanks a bunch. :D

Although the animation of the dynamic ball laucnher only happens every other fire, and i can't see why.

Now... onto that ball catcher :wink:

?But there?s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!?