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Ben and August’s Extended Editor (BEEMOD) & BEE2

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Spacing was brought up by the author himself. I just haven't gotten around to returning it back to its normal. That was first when I was fiddling around with his current stuff (interface) before getting down to the nitty gritty (code) to get an idea what I was in for. :P

Click my Steam Profile image to view my Portal 2 Workshop!

Single Player Tests - Excellent Partnership (Coop) - Single Player BEE Mod Tests

Nice stuff you have done there. But next time it would be at least very nice to read my name somewhere in the credits. I just found out my stuff is used here by a random PM.


Your mod is really interesting and amazing.I've seen videos and images with bee2 installed and working
but in my case it does not works as expected.

The problem is that items in panel does not appear so i cannot drag nothing into the palette,everything else works(i can extract premade palettes,save palette and styles are functional).

Any idea,suggestion to solve this issue?

Thanks for reading.


Sin t?tulo.jpg

please help

This mod is brilliant but i was thinking instead of having a scroll bar or at leased to tide us over is there any way to edit the pallet without exiting the editor, thanks

Nada: Try switching your style to something other than "Original Portal 2" or "BEEMOD 1.05", to "Clean" or something else. They might not be set to have any new items.

DJ Goo: the configuration file that the BEE2 edits to change the palette is only loaded during the game startup, so the game must be restarted for changes to take effect. It's theoretically possible to change styles without restarting, but even that wouldn't work very well and would require a lot of work.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

TeamSpen210: Thanks for you help, but, i have changed the settings in all possible ways, not working

Skotty wrote:
Nice stuff you have done there. But next time it would be at least very nice to read my name somewhere in the credits. I just found out my stuff is used here by a random PM.

Hey Skotty, I did use some resources you uploaded for things like HEPs, and maybe even others, I know your name is listed on the website, but it may not be listed in the readme, I'll be sure to add it if it isn't.

Also, I made a map just for you! Sunset
Click Here to view my Workshop and play my puzzlemaker maps

Some people wouldn't want the logical entities to support signage. I'd have to disagree:

Anyway, thanks so much for making this. I finally installed BEEMOD today. Huge improvement. Needed doors. Got more than I bargained for, but in a good way.

A quick question: how do I make a one-way door, that only opens from the one side? A multi trigger is really close to ideal, but the player can just walk at the door from the wrong side and open it. I tried some logic with triggers (one on either side of door), the exit-side trigger is connected to a NOT gate, other trigger and NOTgate are connected to and gate, AND gate connected to door. Buuuut the door seems to stay open.

I've only made a few Portal 2 maps, but I'd appreciate a comment or a blindrun recording.

You could try adding a trigger multiple on the side that you want the player to be able to enter through (on the neighbouring block), invisibly connected to the door. Doors have an inbuilt trigger that prevents them from closing if players or objects obstruct them. This means that the door will stay open when the player walks from the trigger through the door.

I also have an item I made (antline magnet), which lets you put signage like that, but facing outward. It lets you fit 8 checkmarks with signs into one block.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]
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