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BNS Script maker [EPIC RELEASE]

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I've made a little program to easily (hopefuly) create a bonus script so it will show up under bonus menu.

It allows you to create challanges for your map (You map has to support it),
create it as a freestyle normal map or both.

The image paramater is a VTF file (Valve texture file) of size 256 * 128 and crossponding VMT file, and must reside in portal/materials/VGUI.
Just look how portal did it using vtfedit and GCFescape to learn how it should be.


Download from site download database, click me
Any questions, you may post here or PM me.

Edit: Forgot to mention, resulted .bns files are to be put in portal/maps.
Have fun :P



:potd: :potd: :potd: :potd: :potd:

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Fuck post of the day, post of the century. Skillz for president.


Updated, Changed from challange to challenge (as it supposed to be 🙂 everywhere in the program.

:gtfo: :potd: :gtfo2:

Life is like a pipe, it's hard to get through and you're not always guaranteed a happy ending.


Very nice.


Does this make that bronze/silver/gold comparison screen at the end of the map? The one which counts your postals/steps/seconds and check them against the b/s/g values.

Sanity is not statistical.

Awesome! Once I get around to making some of my own maps (Too much homework for now. Three essays due monday, only one of which was I told about before friday. -.-'), I'll be sure to include .bns files. Gah, this release is awesome!

Baconfeet :: Any original content was a mistake.
espen180 wrote:
Does this make that bronze/silver/gold comparison screen at the end of the map? The one which counts your postals/steps/seconds and check them against the b/s/g values.

It makes them work and count the portalstimesteps but there is a entity that show the scores and must be included at the end of the map, dont remember the name right now, just decompile some maps to learn (and not copy)

Ok so to show the stats:
1) create a prop entity called prop_portal_stats_display (its elivator prop...) and call it "end_stats"
2) now inside it create a trigger once, so who ever gets in it, activates it.
3) create a game_end entity near it and call it "endthisgame"
4) edit the trigger_once outputs
5) add a on_start_touch, targeted to "end_stats" via updatestats input
6) add another on_start_touch targeted to "end_stats" via enable input
7) add another on_start_touch targeted to "endthisgame" via endgame input and delay it by 10 seconds.
8) now if you like add outputs to close the elivator dors...




Hope it works for you (I havent tested it).

Good luck!

SSkillZ wrote:
It makes them work and count the portalstimesteps but there is a entity that show the scores and must be included at the end of the map, dont remember the name right now, just decompile some maps to learn (and not copy)

Got a feeling it is prop_portal_stats_display but I haven't played with it so I can't be sure.

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