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Bumbleball - "living" test element

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If you want to do this, make it. I won't do it because I got a "simple" explaination: Because of the spikes and the bouncy material the sphere cant accept paints because they wont affect it :D

Skotty wrote:
If you want to do this, make it. I won't do it because I got a "simple" explaination: Because of the spikes and the bouncy material the sphere cant accept paints because they wont affect it :D

Fair enough :P

Can you give me information on how this works? Once you download what do you need to do?

You put the models and materials to your Portal2 folder.
The VMFs are instances, so put them anywhere in your maps/instances folder.
After that just integrate the instances via func_instance to your map.

note the correct paths for the materials and models are:


Don't forget the 'valve double folders' or it won't work.


"Such monstrous sucking-constructions aren't built within one afternoon"

I really like it, maybe it will be placed in a map in our upcoming mod. Not sure though ;)

An alternate bumble ball instance is available here: ... _bouncy.7z

(credit goes to Chicken Mobile)

This version uses an env_physexplosion instead of a env_shake, so the bumbleball will now actually bounce around rather than just quiver on the ground or simply roll.

Further information and variations of the bumbleball can be found on the Team Citruz wiki 'Bumbleball' page.


"Such monstrous sucking-constructions aren't built within one afternoon"

For the paintlessness, to make it even cooler, put the water splash particle system on it and trigger it when it's painted. That way, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

Falsi sumus crusto!

This looks brilliant, but is there anyway to make the detection work through portals? Perhaps use some sort of object parented to the portal?

I dont know any way to do this.

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