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Sorry to necro this but im having an odd problem where it draws a line through the numbers :(

LOL, Stephen I can't reproduce that >.<


Could that be due to a wrong version of Microsoft .NET Framework 2? Try reinstalling it ;)

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

I did get it but it says its already installed by default, is there a specific version of it you are meant to get. This is the one I already have and I tried as well

Sry to bump such an old topic, but does anyone still has the sourcecode for this program? the dropbox link isn't working anymore.

Level designer, 3D modeler, texture artist ,environment artist.

For those interested on the source code, he (Omnicoder) gave a new link for it on the TWP discord here it is again for those that might be interested but for some reason aren't on the discord server. ... gs.7z?dl=1

Level designer, 3D modeler, texture artist ,environment artist.
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