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Come here, I want to show you something.

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I know this is a spam but I want you guys to see this.
I made a code. And it has something to do with everything else happening in the world.

Code: Select all
noY RoF aKeC e S,aRa4 .apoC s!4+ KCeRC o+ paGeuew noY 'qoJ aC!N

This cod e has a p henomenal meaning that has altere d every minds of the person I sent to o.
As you can s ee, this code has neve r before been cracke d by many authorities with High Intelligence.
One has ma n a ged to crack i t but he didn't w anted to shar e the algorhythm he u sed.
Mysteriously , this code ha d made everyone upright to their positions. Therefore, lies has been circulating the globe.
So I am begging you to crack it as much as you can, so this events won't happen again.

Every move requires confirmation before executed to prevent stupidity and humiliation.


youme wrote:


umm i think akec looked like cake spelled backwards so i started doing that:

Code: Select all
N!Ca Joq' Yon weueGap +o CReCK +4!s Copa. 4aRa,S e CeKa For Yon

Nice job. You managed to crack this code. Here's a cake for you.

Or something like that. :P

NocturnalGhost wrote:
Nice job. You managed to crack this code. Here's a cake for you.

Or something like that. :P

+ [img][/img] + :cake: - "Or something like that. =

NocturnalGhost wrote:
Nice job. You managed to crack this code. Here's a cake for you. :cake:


:wut: did i crack the code? umm no! i think ... it doesnt look "cracked" to me...

wow, you guys are the only one who managed to crack it ^_^. And you did it in another way that I dont know. Actually There are only two clues I made for the code. 1. The sentence "Mysteriously , this code ha d made everyone upright to their positions." 2. The letters that are separated from the words that when gathered, You should form a phrase saying "read upside down"

Every move requires confirmation before executed to prevent stupidity and humiliation.
NocturnalGhost wrote:
Nice job. You managed to crack this code. Here's a cake for you.

Or something like that. :P

It was obvious from the beginning, lol I put a mirror up to it and saw that.

i'm not entirely sure why. but i have the urge to slap somebody.

btw what does this have to do with Portal Single Player? you even said yourself its spam *points to the off topic section*

do NOT click this
MrThompson wrote:


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