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Community Map Project

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Alright. msleeper, try this out.

btw it's pretty short.

I also included all the hammer files.

The cake is a rickroll.

I might contribute as I've been working on a map pack for a while now.



venator92 wrote:

oooooh now THAT is the closest I've heard to the original, your own voice or have you got a great speach program?

It's just a text-to-speech program run through some filters. A chap by the name of PelPix showed me how to do it.

Also, it might be an idea to provide VMFs of the elevators you want us to use. I guess I could do that too if you want.

msleeper wrote:
Until I do some investigation, or someone who has tried before, can confirm or deny if NPCs work in Portal, we may have to scratch the idea of having other people walking around. Remember that the Portal SDK is not available, and we would basically have to make a mod to add in NPCs like that. I may be wrong though.

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I can confirm this NPC is working in Portal.

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
Mek wrote:
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I can confirm this NPC is working in Portal.

Well one, awesome because I wanted to try that on my own. Two, do other NPCs work? Citizens and such?

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like i said, they call you dr freeman

The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true

Remember that "NPCs and portals" tutorial thing that was posted a while ago?
well I followed that and every time the NPC walked though the portal their left leg spasmed for a moment, then they carried on walking. It worked but it didn't look pretty

I like the idea of a community project but I feel that having an arching story line pasted on top of chambers with inconsistent design/quality will make the whole thing feel a little messy.

there is no story line. just a bunch of maps thrown together. the good will be picked out. the total crap thrown out, and then someone will sort them in order of complexity, and someone else will make a start/end levels and such. basically just a bunch of crap thrown together so that we can have one REALLY big continuous playing ~map~
which sounds fine to me

correct??? <-?

do NOT click this
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