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Contest2010 Jthm temprising contest 1.0

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Nice little map with some new mechanics. Not sure what happened with the Save function failure - but that is a negative that should have easily been picked up by testing? Everything else worked well and was enjoyable - thanks for the map :) .
Well done.

I liked the overall style. Wasn't too dark on my flatscreen and looked nice. Color choices and style is a matter of personal likesdislikes. Always taking a bit of a risk when doing something different, but taking a risks tends to be where you can gainlearn the most rather than doing the same old thing and what everyone expects.

Maps puzzles difficulty was on par with the original game. Some will likely comment that the three main puzzles were to easy, but if you were to have average players play the map, they would find the difficulty level be satisfying and fun because they could complete the map without the need of advanced portal skillsknowledge that has become the norm for Portal maps and mods. Average players get stumped and frustrated with a lot of maps because the player doesn't have advanced skills and 100s of hours playing Portal. The puzzle with the exploding ball actually did take me a few minutes longer to solve because the solution wasn't obvious (it was funchallenging). After solving all three puzzles, it also took some extra thinking to find my way out. Those were nicely done and could be be solved with basic portal skillsknowledge.

Overall nice job. It takes a bit of extra guts to submit a map into the contest knowing that others are likely going to criticize it. Its easy for the rest of us not to enter the contest and just be spectators. :)

This was an ok map. The puzzles were enjoyable, however, the style was rather plain and uninteresting.

The map has a unique design and beautiful structure except for the end which is not very beautiful and the bug about save/load. Good job overall.

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