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Control popups

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I was just wondering how you do the popups that show you how to do what, ex in the beginning of the game when Wheatley tells you to speak, the space bar pops up. But I actually want to do this with the duck control.

Thank you in advance.

That would be an env_instructor_hint with the command set to "+duck".

Falsi sumus crusto!

Thanks, I'll do this.

And don't forget to activate the hints or you won't be able to see them ;) Console command:

gameinstructor_enable 1

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In what property should I write +duck? In game the popup says that there's nothing specified.

Dr.Toaster Waffles wrote:
In what property should I write +duck? In game the popup says that there's nothing specified.

The "Bound Command." Set the icons to the "bound command key" as well.

Falsi sumus crusto!

I was writing it in Bound Command, but I didn't do the key setting. Trying this now...

Edit: Nope, just No Command Specified and now it has no icon, so maybe it isn't a valid one?

I'll take a look at an official map...

Editedit: Now it's working. I wrote something incorrect in the icon properties was all.

is there a detailed list of all the icons and button commands for env_instructor_hint? because the WIKI is insufficient

Just when I think I understand the system, it changes on me.

The button commands can literally be any console command.

Falsi sumus crusto!

well I found what i was looking for only thanks to blind luck, but next time be far more detailed. Not everyone has encyclopedic knowledge of this stuff, and VDC is got tons of holes in it

Just when I think I understand the system, it changes on me.
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