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[Coop] Aperture Valentine

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Iviv and LyLy here, and we played Aperture Valentine! First off, we'd like to say, WOW! Favorite map ever! From start to finish, no less then perfection! There's nothing really we can complain about, the effort and skill shows true in this map.

We haven't had a chance to go back and find the secrets, but we will very soon.



2Nightmaren Coop YouTube Channel
We play maps and break things!
TheNightmaren wrote:
Iviv and LyLy here, and we played Aperture Valentine! First off, we'd like to say, WOW! Favorite map ever! From start to finish, no less then perfection! There's nothing really we can complain about, the effort and skill shows true in this map.

We haven't had a chance to go back and find the secrets, but we will very soon.



Thanks very very much for the gameplay. It was great to watch and I spotted a few errors that have now been fixed. Glad you enjoyed it!

TheNightmaren wrote:
Iviv and LyLy here, and we played Aperture Valentine! First off, we'd like to say, WOW! Favorite map ever! From start to finish, no less then perfection! There's nothing really we can complain about, the effort and skill shows true in this map.

We haven't had a chance to go back and find the secrets, but we will very soon.

Thanks for all possitive comments and the awesome videos!! :notworthy:

Will you dare to test the advanced chambers too after finding the secret rooms in the main course? :D

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
TheNightmaren wrote:
Iviv and LyLy here, and we played Aperture Valentine! First off, we'd like to say, WOW! Favorite map ever! From start to finish, no less then perfection! There's nothing really we can complain about, the effort and skill shows true in this map.

We haven't had a chance to go back and find the secrets, but we will very soon.

Thanks for the flattering feedback! Would you record your reactions to the secrets as well? I just love your videos, from the chilling intro music over your reactions to good/annoying parts while playing to taking time for a final feedback in the end, they're awesome. :thumbup:

damn it, thanks for the tip, Mevious. ^^
I'm so blind ...too many maps in one evening.

Visit me on ? youtube ?
BlumCoLe wrote:

There are actually two "Aperture Valentine" maps, and the one you're playing in those videos is Aperture Valentine - The Advanced Chambers. You should post this feedback in that thread and re-title the videos so that josepezdj will be more likely to see them.

Redunzl and I just got around to playing this (we only coop once a week, and not every week). No fault of yours, but since the last Steam update, my configuration files were hosed, and we spent the first half-hour just getting our controllers working. Once we got rolling though, we had a great time playing this.

Having play-tested the smashy-plate room game before, we really appreciated the yellow tile addition, it made it so much more playable.

We had lots of missing textures, like ant-lines, and a couple of different fizzlers. They looked like clear textures with white lines. It did hinder us figuring out some of the later puzzles, because we couldn't tell what was what just by looking at it.

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Sounds like an update to include a new file went wrong. Sorry that hampered the rare cooping for you, should be fixed soon.

So me and wstrika recorded this for Drinking With Portals. It... went poorly. We should have the footage up soonish.

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npc_msleeper_boss wrote:
So me and wstrika recorded this for Drinking With Portals. It... went poorly. We should have the footage up soonish.

Awesome :D How far did you come? :D

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