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Creating custom fizzlers

Has anyone written anything up on this? I've created my own fizzlers but I have noticed that the original has *2* layers for the vmf. One layer is for the fizzler (standalone), and one for when the cube is near the fizzler. How does one create 2 layers into one vmf like that?

Fizzlers use the SolidEnergy shader, Josepezdj wrote a big explanation of them here. In most cases you only really need to edit the vmt, just change the colours set for $flow_color and $flow_vortex_color.

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@l1zard: everything will depend on what exactly you want to see. If you are only interested in changing the fizzler color and maybe the way it moves, just play with the values you find in the .vmt.

But if you want different ripples effect and even different way of how the stuff appears and moves, you'll have to edit the textures themselves:

- fizzler_ripples_dim.vtf
- fizzler_bounds.vtf

Recently I made this one for example, but it has those 2 above textures (ripples and bounds) totally custom ;) Check out that basic information I posted and TeamSpen linked you to in order to know how/what to edit or make.

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josepezdj wrote:
Recently I made this one for example, but it has those 2 above textures (ripples and bounds) totally custom ;) Check out that basic information I posted and TeamSpen linked you to in order to know how/what to edit or make.

You are too nice Jose, thank you. Very helpful.