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Omnicoder wrote:
Uploaded an incomplete version for people to try.

Note: Metal blocks are not unportalable. I don't do that till a map is done.

Wait, what? Metal blocks are not portable, even if you don't do anything. The texture should do the work :/

pestchamber wrote:
Metal blocks are not portable, even if you don't do anything.

Do you mean "portalable"? If metal blocks are portable they can move and by this sentence you say nothing. :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
Do you mean "portalable"? If metal blocks are portable they can move and by this sentence you say nothing. :D


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I don't think you're doing anything wrong...
The Portal metal wall textures are along the lines of "metalwall048...", and the reason these materials can't accept portals is (please forgive me if I'm saying something you already know) because of a special "%noportal" variable in the textures' VMTs. If there is a value of 1 for %noportal, the surface won't take portals. The only place there is a metalwall001 is in the SDK shared materials files, and they don't match the textures used in Flux. The only thing I can think of is that the game is corrupted, but it's certainly an odd sort of corruption...if that is the case, then reinstalling Portal might do the trick. Can you shoot portals on the metal walls when you're playing the original levels?

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WinstonSmith wrote:
The only thing I can think of is that the game is corrupted[.]

Agreed, although it may also be that your source SDK is out of date. When compiling a map, the SDK tools label walls as non-portal when they use a material with %noportal in it. (The % indicates that it's a compile time parameter, not a game parameter.) So if the materials are up to date but the build tools aren't, then the metal walls still won't repel portals, as they are not marked as such.

I'd recommend to let Steam connect to the internet and let it update, then re-compile your map and see if it works.

(There is also a menu entry labelled something like "refresh game files" in the SDK launcher. You might want to try that also.)

Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic

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Omnicoder wrote:
Could the problem be that I'm using the ep1 build tools instead of the orange box ones?


Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic

EDIT: Nevermind, the previous contents of this post were made null and void by the next post.

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