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Epic Introduction Thread

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Hello to everyone, While i can't do the code thing for introductions as i don't under it, None the less, Hi, And note to admins and or moderators, The bot checker confused the crap out of me with this question. "In 2006, the IAU determined this object was not a planetoid" Since i'm never heard it before, Unless it's pluto which i just throught of literally right now as i'm typing this, And what's with the weird thing under my name? 'i dont know what brush is but i herd it alot." And extra addon, why is avatar functiontivity disabled for me?

The "brush" rank is for all users under a certain number of posts; I believe the avatar feature is most likely disabled for the same reason. And yeah, the question's a bit obscure (it's still a planet to me by God) it keeps out the bots.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

I got "Who voiced Wheatley?" as my anti-spam question, so I guess I had it easy. I wish other forums would incorporate proper questions like this, instead of CAPTCHAs that don't even do their job.

NuclearDuckie wrote:
I got "Who voiced Wheatley?" as my anti-spam question, so I guess I had it easy. I wish other forums would incorporate proper questions like this, instead of CAPTCHAs that don't even do their job.

You mean something like this?

Hi, I'm a massive portal fan, having played all of the official content and around 80 custom co-op maps. I just wanted to say thanks for creating this awesome site, and thanks to all the mappers who've provided hours of free fun.

I'm in love with the laser mechanics at the moment:
lasers + portals never get old

Reduce Reuse Refract is probably my fav map so far!

Hey! We appreciate the hello but just for the record there's a dedicated thread for this. Hope you don't mind if I merge the posts.

Now with 100% more inline comments!
WinstonSmith wrote:
it's still a planet to me by God

Yeah, fight the good fight! We've repeatedly sent messages in space for aliens to come and find our 9 planets system, now one bigwig demoted Pluto so we'll look like asses. Not only, this makes half of Arthur C. Clarke production factually erroneous.

the hills are alive... with the sound of music

'Sup guys.

I like, play portal and stuff.

Well then, your welcome here. :thumbup:

Crazy is as crazy does.
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Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
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Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
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it's still a planet to me by God

Well, it does not mean much to an atheist.

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