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[EXP] Test Subject #13

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I think its awesome. I can't help because I have all the talent of George Broussard. But I think the concept kicks ass. Maybe releasing some parts to the world at large and getting positive feedback might help rather than slaving away for hours and not knowing how its going to be received.

Even some screenshots would help people drum up excitement. Its hard to get excited over an abstract concept.

subject_name_here wrote:
Even some screenshots would help people drum up excitement. Its hard to get excited over an abstract concept.

:lol: I doubt you can get excited over orange mapped testchambers either tbh

Any updates yet? Or word on realesing that sort of "taster" you were talking about earlier? I'm dieing to play this.

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
youme wrote:
😆 I doubt you can get excited over orange mapped testchambers either tbh

not much else to say really

Lol, I can! :D

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Youme! been a long time. I've thought about this several times during my absence... I'm still up to alpha-test again if you needed somebody. Can't wait for the final product though... pm me if you need a tester again!

Rivid31 wrote:
Youme! been a long time. I've thought about this several times during my absence... I'm still up to alpha-test again if you needed somebody. Can't wait for the final product though... pm me if you need a tester again!

Meh too ! :D

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

sssummer you are really excited about this arent you?

I think I can reveal (whilst not actually revealing anything ;Pl) that this project might take an unexpected twist soon. But then again it might not

So are you planning on actually changing the playermodel, if so, to what?

I have had many failed attempts at assigning proper animations to Citizen models and other models.

youme wrote:
A male player model and skin

hmm, I've quoted myself twice recently

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