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Felix's Hammer Notepad

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I think I'll try my hand at a puzzle too. Nice work BTW! I'm going to go with PTI + Hammer Edit due to the fact that I'm caught up with my own map, and I'm not that good with hammer. I have heard of attempts to resurrect the gel, but this is by far the most successful. Goo work! I mean, good work! ...Hmmm.... Goo.... MWAHAHAHAHA.

*cough* 100th post *cough*

I told HMW a year ago I would release a map...I like to keep my word.

I hop this is the right Place for it.
Some of you may know the Repulsion-Gel-Poster in some of the old aperture facilities.
I've created a similar poster for the Adhesiongel and I want to know, what you think about it^^

Looks nice! What program did you use?

For the text I'd recommend Verdana italic, at least for the modern ones. I don't remember the font for the underground posters.

Falsi sumus crusto!

I used Photoshop 6.0.
A friend of me created the empty base-poster, I thin he also used Photoshop 6.0, he allways uses this :D
I don't know the Font, the original did use, If someon know it, I'll change it. I don't think this is the right Font :/

Happy you like it ^_^

Would you mind sending me a PSD? PS6 uses PSD files, right?

Falsi sumus crusto!

Yes, but I'm not often using PSD's because no other Programm can handle ist.
I have to look again if I have saved is as PSD, but I don't think so :/
I can send you the empty base-pster. It still exist. It's and PNG-File^^

That would be great. It's always a good idea to save a PSD file so you can edit again later. ;)

Falsi sumus crusto!
By now I'm sick of the default a1 loading screen. Props if you can identify the map or the music without looking at the description.

Falsi sumus crusto!

"A Beam Too Far". As soon as the page downloaded I recognized. I love that map.

Yes "a beam to far", i loved the entrance to a little destroyed and "rainy" scene :D

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