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First map - Aperture Endurance 1

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The right way to do it is to make the whole wall the metal texture. Then browse for the cake texture, click on the "overlay" button on the left side (third from the bottom) and then just click on the wall where you want the cake picture to be. You can adjust its size and move it around if you want to

I had no idea! Thanks again!

A lot of people like cake....

A note about overlays, you can only have a maximum of 8 per surface (any more than that won't get drawn), but the upside is that you can resize them. Decals are good because you aren't limited to a number per face, but you can't resize them and they are a little outdated in general.

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msleeper wrote:
A note about overlays, you can only have a maximum of 8 per surface (any more than that won't get drawn), but the upside is that you can resize them. Decals are good because you aren't limited to a number per face, but you can't resize them and they are a little outdated in general.

Good information... I had no idea :thumbup:

ok i just tried it out and...

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The cake is a PI


Add me on STEAM: iamafractal
I'm up for coop games & beta testing your maps...


here's a screenshot


The cake is a PI


Add me on STEAM: iamafractal
I'm up for coop games & beta testing your maps...


Stuck or?

Currently working on Darksiders 3.
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