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Fizzler + Box Dropper

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I did not get the OutOfWorld to work either...

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

I use triggers with filters_name or whatever they're called...

"GUeSS what... I know"

OutOfWorld triggers when the entity enters the void (black abyss) outside of the map. You would put this on the actual item (box, sphere, etc) and have it spawn a new one as well as kill itself.

OutOfWorld is a failsafe really, if you have a door or something blocked by a box and goes and pings through a wall into the void then OutOfWorld should trigger.
personally I use two portal cleansers each one unit thick - one for everthing but boxes and one for only boxes. The one for boxes has a trigger of onFizzle.

youme wrote:
OutOfWorld is a failsafe really, if you have a door or something blocked by a box and goes and pings through a wall into the void then OutOfWorld should trigger.
personally I use two portal cleansers each one unit thick - one for everthing but boxes and one for only boxes. The one for boxes has a trigger of onFizzle.

This is what I suggested to do a couple posts back, and seems to be the best way to do the fizzling of cubes. But I think you mean OnDissolve, not OnFizzle. OnFizzle triggers when portals get fizzled, not when things get dissolved ;)

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