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FPS Troubleshooting

In all the rooms in my map, I usually get 120 fps. However, there is something wrong with the corner of this room that's causing the fps to go down to 50. (As low as 20 if your looking at it through a portal)

So I collected some screen shots. All my test chambers are separated by area portals. So it can't be something in another room. The cause is something around the box dropper here. As you can see, while I am not looking at it the fps is...a bit lower then average. =/ When I am looking at it the fps drops considerably. >=/ When I exit the room. Everything is perfectly fine again. (because of the area portal)

No I don't have any leaks...obviously.



Any ideas on what it could be? BTW Do not pay attention to the vis leafs around the button. I removed all my hint brushes so you could see the room in hammer.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

I often have FPS lag for both the box dropper tubes and the actual BTS tubes. I think it has to do with them using translucent materials since that's the only real difference between them and other models.


I don't have any fps lagg in my other room though. It drops by 20 fps when no portals are open, then drops down by 60 and 80 fps respectivly when the different portal sets are open.

The portals I am using here are back to back....I think that's the problem.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Why use fraps type this in console net_graph 1 (you can use any number from 1 to 3, 0 turns it back off)
