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GAH! How do you use Download manager

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I am trying to download some of the maps off this site. They are load by download manager. Whenever I go to click on the map to download it it just brings upo the down load manager screen and nothing happens.

At the bottom of the download manager screen there should be a download button?

Only a spider trusts the web

I'm kind of confused by this question. What download manger?

Are you refering to something like a stand alone program? Like getright download manager?

Or are you just not sure on how to download something from the database?

This is how somebody would normally download a file:
1)Go to
2)Click "Downloads"
3)Click "Community releases" (or Work in progress, community spotlight, etc.)
4)Click Any file (Cassata Chamber 01 was at the top, so try that one)
5)Scroll to the bottom of the page, click download.
6)Save the file to somewhere on your computer where you know you'll be able to find it.
7)Follow the installation instructions included within the .rar archive to tell you where to extract the files to, and how to load the map.

And thats really all you need to do. Pretty basic.

If you've got third party software coming up, then you might need to find the manual on how to use it, or just uninstall it completly.

Or better yet, ask the person who installed it how to use it. It's probably somebody in your family (Assuming you're using a family shared computer.)

hmmm. well since it is in a .RAR fiile for some reason it brings up the fileplanet download manager. Which then proceeds to not down load it. What program should I be using to open it.

Winrar is the origonal program to utilise the .rar format.

Other programs can do it, but I've always just used winrar myself.

Lorithad wrote:
Winrar is the origonal program to utilise the .rar format.

I wouldn't say original; the first program to support RAR was... rar. It was a DOS program written by Eugene Roshal (who then went on to make WinRAR).

Link, mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!

Huh. I never knew that.

Trivial, but good to know.

thanks for the help

hmmm...............I now have downloaded casschamber but it won't strat when i hit "`" and type it map casschamber.

You have to go into keyboard options, then advanced, and enable the console. Then when you press ` it will bring up the console, and you can load the map from there.

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