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GLaDOS TTS Version 3

Version 1: 2006
Version 2: 2008
version 3: 2015
Sorry for that huge gap...

Like 7 years ago I posted here (or maybe it was somewhere else) about a text to speech engine for GLaDOS's voice. It was before Portal 1 even came out, IIRC, with a slightly improved version coming out after. Now that Portal 1 and 2 are out, I'm revisiting it using Ellen's speech patterns.

Lines are picked, cut where needed, and blended. If required, whole phrases are constructed from a syllable bank and then the stressing and inflection is set with precise pitch editing. When it doesn't need to construct the phrase, it changes the inflections in existing recordings a bit to make it flow as a continuous thought.

Here, my friend wanted a custom and personally biting co-op insult reading. I've got lots of things to improve on, but this could end up really awesome. I hope some day to improve its handling of totally arbitrary phrases. Here, most of the phrases have just had their stressing and inflections changed or have been assembled word by word, but a few of the phrases, like "like your parents" and "your mother's a lunatic" are entirely synthesized from a syllable bank.

This is what I've been doing, too, for my portal mod, some of them sound pretty good but others, not as much.

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

Updated with better inflection and stress processing.