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Google Wins the Internet



"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

somebody had fun

Looks like someone just discovered the internet.


and did you know that when you type "google" into google you can break the internet? :P
(quoted from it crowd)

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

oh no i just broke the.. <BZZZZZZZ> inter........ FALSFJSAFKFggg... CRITICAL ERROR! SPAMBOT "PESTCHAMBER" CLOSING IN FIVE.... FOUR.... THRE.. <bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>

Hober, you need a hobby.


"Duct Tape is the answer."