Hammer compile issue
Quote from superboi on January 5, 2019, 8:06 pmSo I added some lights in my map and now it compiles fine, but doesn't add any changes. It doesn't say I have a leak, and the error checker didn't find anything. here is my log:
[spoiler]CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'Kernel32.dll' (761E0000)
CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' in 'Kernel32.dll': 7732BEE0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running command: cd "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2bin"
Running command: "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2binvbsp.exe" -game "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.vmf"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[I] vbsp.main(): BEE2.4.0pr30 VBSP hook initiallised.
[I] cond.core.import_conditions(): Imported all conditions modules!
[I] vbsp.main(): Map path is "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.vmf"
[I] vbsp.main(): New path: "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapsstyledchamber1again.vmf"
[I] vbsp.main(): Clearing inject/ directory..
[W] vbsp.main(): Hammer map detected! skipping conversion..
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Calling original VBSP...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Args: '-game', 'D:\steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2', 'D:\steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\maps\chamber1again.vmf'
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Oct 26 2018)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): 4 threads
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): materialPath: D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2materials
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Loading D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.vmf
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): ConVarRef gpu_level doesn't point to an existing ConVar
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Processing areas...done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Building Faces...done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Chop Details...done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Find Visible Detail Sides...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Merged 4 detail faces...done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Merging details...done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): FixTjuncs...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): PruneNodes...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): WriteBSP...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): writing D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.prt...Building visibility clusters...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): done (0)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Finding displacement neighbors...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Finding lightmap sample positions...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Building Physics collision data...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): done (0) (48139 bytes)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Water found with no water_lod_control entity, creating a default one.
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Compacting texture/material tables...
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Reduced 535 texinfos to 154
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Reduced 13 texdatas to 12 (418 bytes to 366)
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): Writing D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler():
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): nummapplanes: ( 1262 / 65536 )
[I] <Valve>.run_compiler(): nummapbrushes: ( 106 / 8192 )
[I] vbsp.run_vbsp(): VBSP Done!
[I] vbsp.make_vrad_config(): Generating VRAD config...
[I] vbsp.main(): BEE2 VBSP hook finished!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running command: cd "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2bin"
Running command: "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2binvvis.exe" -game "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'Kernel32.dll' (761E0000)
CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' in 'Kernel32.dll': 7732BEE0
Valve Software - vvis.exe (Oct 26 2018)
4 threads
reading d:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp
reading d:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.prt
176 portalclusters
550 numportals
BasePortalVis: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
PortalFlow: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
Optimized: 1 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 30079
Average clusters visible: 170
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 176
visdatasize:9157 compressed from 8448
writing d:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp
1 second elapsed
CDynamicFunction: Closing library 'Kernel32.dll' (761E0000)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running command: cd "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2bin"
Running command: "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2binvrad.exe" -game "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[I] vrad.main(): BEE2 VRAD hook started!
[I] vrad.main(): Map path is D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again
[I] vrad.load_config(): Loading Settings...
[I] vrad.load_config(): Config Loaded!
[I] vrad.main(): Final status: is_peti=True, edit_args=False
[I] vrad.main(): Reading BSP
[I] vrad.main(): Done!
[I] vrad.main(): Reading our FGD files...
[I] vrad.main(): Adding special packed files:
[I] vrad.main(): Run transformations...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "P2 Coop Trigger"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "P2 Goo"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Attachment Points"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "VScript Init Code"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "VScript RunScriptCode Strings"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Optimise logic_auto"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Fix Laser Catcher Skins"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Force Paint in Map"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Precache P2 Light Bridge"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_choreo_sceneset"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "Proxy limits"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_precache_model"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_precache_sound"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_pack_replace_soundscript"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_pack"...
[I] bsp_trans.run_transformations(): Running "comp_pack_rename"...
[I] vrad.main(): Scanning map for files to pack:
[I] vrad.main(): Done!
[I] vrad.main(): Writing to BSP...
WARNING: "sound/plats/Test_Chamberdoor_old_Open.wav" not packed!
WARNING: "sound/plats/Test_Chamberdoor_old_Close.wav" not packed!
[I] vrad.main(): Packed files:
| materials/maps/chamber1again/nature/toxicslime002a_depth_1626.vmt
| materials/maps/chamber1again/cubemapdefault.vtf
| materials/maps/chamber1again/c1055_-244_223.vtf
| materials/maps/chamber1again/c1055_-244_639.vtf
| materials/maps/chamber1again/cubemapdefault.hdr.vtf
| materials/maps/chamber1again/c1055_-244_223.hdr.vtf
| materials/maps/chamber1again/c1055_-244_639.hdr.vtf
| scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt
|___[I] vrad.main(): - BSP written!
[I] vrad.mod_screenshots(): Using PeTI screenshot!
[I] vrad.mod_screenshots(): Making "..portal2puzzles76561198305205695untitled.jpg" replaceable...
[I] vrad.main(): Publishing - Full lighting enabled! (or forced to do so)
[I] vrad.run_vrad(): Calling original VRAD...
[I] vrad.run_vrad(): "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2binvrad_original.exe" -game "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again"
CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'Kernel32.dll' (761E0000)
CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' in 'Kernel32.dll': 7732BEE0
Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Oct 26 2018)Valve Radiosity Simulator
4 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[59 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']Loading d:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp
Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (0.11 seconds)
787 faces
818946 square feet [117928240.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
787 patches before subdivision
35025 patches after subdivision
3 direct lights
BuildFacelights: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
BuildVisLeafs: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
transfers 2026172, max 445
transfer lists: 15.5 megs
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #1 added RGB(72, 64, 26)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #2 added RGB(3, 3, 1)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #3 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0127 sec>
FinalLightFace: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to FinishObject names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 9/1024 432/49152 ( 0.9%)
brushes 106/8192 1272/98304 ( 1.3%)
brushsides 969/65536 7752/524288 ( 1.5%)
planes 1262/65536 25240/1310720 ( 1.9%)
vertexes 1163/65536 13956/786432 ( 1.8%)
nodes 389/65536 12448/2097152 ( 0.6%)
texinfos 154/12288 11088/884736 ( 1.3%)
texdata 12/2048 384/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_multiblend 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 787/65536 44072/3670016 ( 1.2%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 259/65536 14504/3670016 ( 0.4%)
facebrushes 104/0 208/0 ( 0.0%)
facebrushlists 787/0 3148/0 ( 0.0%)
leaves 399/65536 12768/2097152 ( 0.6%)
leaffaces 1142/65536 2284/131072 ( 1.7%)
leafbrushes 298/65536 596/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4573/512000 18292/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2669/256000 10676/1024000 ( 1.0%)
LDR worldlights 3/8192 300/819200 ( 0.0%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/819200 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 1/32768 12/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 24/32768 240/327680 ( 0.1%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 339/65536 678/131072 ( 0.5%)
cubemapsamples 2/1024 32/16384 ( 0.2%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 4020380/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 9157/16777216 ( 0.1%)
entdata [variable] 18079/393216 ( 4.6%)
LDR ambient table 399/65536 1596/262144 ( 0.6%)
HDR ambient table 399/65536 1596/262144 ( 0.6%)
LDR leaf ambient 245/65536 6860/1835008 ( 0.4%)
HDR leaf ambient 399/65536 11172/1835008 ( 0.6%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/3498 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 226596/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 48139/4194304 ( 1.1%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)Level flags = 0
Total triangle count: 1850
Writing d:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp
2 seconds elapsed
CDynamicFunction: Closing library 'Kernel32.dll' (761E0000)
[I] vrad.run_vrad(): Done!
[I] vrad.main(): BEE2 VRAD hook finished!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running command: copy "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2mapschamber1again.bsp"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finished. Press a key to close.[/spoiler]
So I added some lights in my map and now it compiles fine, but doesn't add any changes. It doesn't say I have a leak, and the error checker didn't find anything. here is my log:

Quote from ChickenMobile on January 5, 2019, 11:52 pmIt looks like no problems compiling - everything says OK and done. The compiler should automatically create a bsp in Portal 2portal2maps folder and your log does say it did.
- Code: Select all
Running command: copy "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2mapschamber1again.bsp"
Double check if this isn't the problem by copying over the bsp from 'D:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp'.
I had this problem once and realised that I was actually loading the wrong version of the map. So completely make sure you are loading the right map: chamber1again.
Edit: If you are running the map immediately after a map without lighting (fullbright) the map will still continue to be fullbright. You can turn this off by typing in the console mat_fullbright 0 or by restarting Portal.
It looks like no problems compiling - everything says OK and done. The compiler should automatically create a bsp in Portal 2portal2maps folder and your log does say it did.
- Code: Select all
Running command: copy "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2mapschamber1again.bsp"
Double check if this isn't the problem by copying over the bsp from 'D:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp'.
I had this problem once and realised that I was actually loading the wrong version of the map. So completely make sure you are loading the right map: chamber1again.
Edit: If you are running the map immediately after a map without lighting (fullbright) the map will still continue to be fullbright. You can turn this off by typing in the console mat_fullbright 0 or by restarting Portal.
Quote from superboi on January 6, 2019, 12:15 amChickenMobile wrote:It looks like no problems compiling - everything says OK and done. The compiler should automatically create a bsp in Portal 2portal2maps folder and your log does say it did.
- Code: Select all
Running command: copy "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2mapschamber1again.bsp"
Double check if this isn't the problem by copying over the bsp from 'D:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp'.
I had this problem once and realised that I was actually loading the wrong version of the map. So completely make sure you are loading the right map: chamber1again.
Edit: If you are running the map immediately after a map without lighting (fullbright) the map will still continue to be fullbright. You can turn this off by typing in the console mat_fullbright 0 or by restarting Portal.
Well the map wasn't in full bright because everything was dark, the light still doesn't work though, I even tried to activate it with a trigger but that didn't work
Edit: Music doesn't work, it's custom so I might of did it wrong, but it shows up in hammer and has a preview.
edit 2: fixed it, it was a tutorial I followed for custom music that made me add a extra compile option that breaks it.
- Code: Select all
Running command: copy "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp" "D:steamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2mapschamber1again.bsp"
Double check if this isn't the problem by copying over the bsp from 'D:steamsteamappscommonportal 2sdk_contentmapschamber1again.bsp'.
I had this problem once and realised that I was actually loading the wrong version of the map. So completely make sure you are loading the right map: chamber1again.
Edit: If you are running the map immediately after a map without lighting (fullbright) the map will still continue to be fullbright. You can turn this off by typing in the console mat_fullbright 0 or by restarting Portal.
Well the map wasn't in full bright because everything was dark, the light still doesn't work though, I even tried to activate it with a trigger but that didn't work
Edit: Music doesn't work, it's custom so I might of did it wrong, but it shows up in hammer and has a preview.
edit 2: fixed it, it was a tutorial I followed for custom music that made me add a extra compile option that breaks it.

Quote from ChickenMobile on January 6, 2019, 3:37 amLights by default should be on unless the initially dark flag is checked. The default range of a light isn't actually that far, so I would suggest you move the light closer to a wall to so its' effects more clearly.
Your light entity should either be a 'light' or 'light_spot', light_environment and light_directional are reserved for skybox light only.
Lights by default should be on unless the initially dark flag is checked. The default range of a light isn't actually that far, so I would suggest you move the light closer to a wall to so its' effects more clearly.
Your light entity should either be a 'light' or 'light_spot', light_environment and light_directional are reserved for skybox light only.
Quote from superboi on January 6, 2019, 11:47 amChickenMobile wrote:Lights by default should be on unless the initially dark flag is checked. The default range of a light isn't actually that far, so I would suggest you move the light closer to a wall to so its' effects more clearly.Your light entity should either be a 'light' or 'light_spot', light_environment and light_directional are reserved for skybox light only.
Thanks for the help, I'll keep that in mind
Your light entity should either be a 'light' or 'light_spot', light_environment and light_directional are reserved for skybox light only.
Thanks for the help, I'll keep that in mind