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Hammer disables Mouse Acceleration

Since the SDK update, it seems that my Logitech mouse driver (for a MX510 mouse) considers Source SDK and Hammer as games, and so disables mouse acceleration. And it's really annoying.

I've been browsing all over google to find out a fix, but as I'm doing maps and have Portal running at the same time with hammer with windowed mode, it's freaking frustrating to modify mouse options in the driver software as I play Portal with acceleration disabled (contrary to Hammer). I found out that there's a list of programs where mouse have accel disabled but hammer or source sdk or half life 2 aren't even in...

Anyone knows how to deal with it?


Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).