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Hammer Joke's/Sungs

So I googled it and I see no forums had this to pass my time, so I decided to create here. Fortunate I have no ideas os jokes, but only of a sung. So let's create some bad jokes =D

Girl, come to my house so I can show my clipping and carve tool (I had another version but I think I can't really say that at the forum...)

Mom jokes anyone?

Your Mother is so fat, that she has reached the brush limit of the world

Your mom is so fat, you can't use Radius Culling around her.
Your mom is so fat, she can't hide in a mini-dome.
Your mom is so fat, it takes 1000 catapult to launch her 1 feet.
Your mom is so ugly, Aperture replaced "Android Hell" with her
The cake is not a lie! But... ask your fat mom about it!
You've got no chance! But your mom got fat chance!
There are only empty aperture tinned beans in Portal because...

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