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Happy Birthday, ThinkingWithPortals!

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We will be baked, "Happy Birthday" will be sung, and there will be cake.

We are 1 year old.

We are certainly retarded enough to fit the part.



msleeper wrote:
😆 i forgot about that retard.

Not quite. He is attempting to paste a PHP redirect image. You can post PNGs just fine, but you have to do it the right way.

Since when posting a image link between two img tags is not the right way?
It works in every other forum.

Happy bday. *insert cake-related image here*
Hen7 wrote:
Since when posting a image link between two img tags is not the right way?
It works in every other forum.

Hen7 wrote:

When the image isn't actually an image. It's a php file with an image name passed as a parameter.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

Whey, Happy Birthday!

....Where's the booze?

Hen7 wrote:
Why can't I display pics.

There is a code for posting imageshack pics on forums.

Go to the url you posted, and you will see 5 codes, its the second.

edit: wow, in the time it took to type this post, 2 other people posted.

edit 2: forgot to say (type?) Happy Birthday TWP!

I don't lag, I own so much it takes a few seconds for the server to figure out what the hell I just did.

Happy Birstday!
p.s. from russian Portal fans =)

Hen7 wrote:
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