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Hi I'm new - have a map concept would like some input

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I have a concept for a map, I have made a test map with a couple of rooms for you to look at.

The concept is based on the film "The Cube 2 - Hypercube" (a SciFi channel classic if you ask me). If your not famillier with the film check here:

The main aspects I was interested in were the cube rooms themselves, the hatches between rooms and having gravity shifts etc. The portals seemed ideal for this purpose.

Unfortunatly, as it apears func_ladder isn't available in Portal, I have had to use lifts to acces the side hatches.

Here's a video of what I have so far:

I wondered if anyone else liked the film and had any ideas on how I should expand on the concept. I was thinking of designing some of the rooms with puzzles and introducing some kind of "messy death" scenario if you weren't quick enough.

Any and all input aprieciated, thanks.

Dude I thought of something just like this from the movie as well. Glad you got it out, I would really like something of that effect, just more extrem...

Some one allready has a HL2 Death Match Mod call HyperCube: Source, I'm going to use that map in Portal right now and see what its like...

EDIT: Just relized you are useing the mods map....I think?
I can't use it, It spawns me outside of the map, anyone know how I can make so I spawn inside of the map? What file migh I have to change to do that?

Looks cool! I love the cube movies. One of the maps Im working on "The Grid" was inspired my Cube. :D

All of the 'puzzles' in the movie were more traps than puzzles. It wasn't really like the game, in which you need to solve the puzzle to move forward. They were traps where if you didn't think quick it would kill you. That sort of thing would be fun in a portal map, though I imagine you'd want a lot of auto-saves :D

Also, have you tried func_useable_ladder + info_ladder_dismount?

There is a ladder in Portal itself (or at least part of one) so you must be able to have ladders somehow. If you're going to recreate Portal you'd need to be able to access the ceiling hatch somehow.

Sorry, double post. :(

I've seen a custom map with a ladder in it once, so it must be possible.


"Duct Tape is the answer."

Ren_Test2 (2nd page of released downloads) has a ladder in it.

Nice demo, BigBudz. I think you have a good idea going there.

Also, I think your platforms are cooler than a ladder, anyway.

anyone know what console command in the source engine will get me to spawn at a certain location at a specifed cell or cordinate?

I'd really like to know, thanks...

Can't you just noclip to where you want to go, then turn noclip back off?

anyone know what console command in the source engine will get me to spawn at a certain location at a specifed cell or cordinate?

I don't think you can override the spawn position of the map, can you? When you die or restart the level, you will spawn wherever the map spawns you.

So your options become either teleporting, or flying around with noclip as Leck suggested. With teleport you can specify coordinates so you go straight there, though how you figure out the coordinates, I have no idea.

Console commands are here: ... e_commands

This is not an exhaustive, list, though since there are commands which exist that aren't in that list, such as ent_create_portal_weight_box, fire_energy_ball, etc

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