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hm question about contests and such

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Wow... I would have thought it was more difficult than that. I'll double check that 3ds Max 9 can export to mdl tonight.

Hawt stuff. I'm gonna have to create some custom goodness then. :D

EDIT: Just realized I have 3DS Max 9 at work. No MDL export, though. Anyone know where I can get the necessary plugin? Or am I doing it wrong?

Also, am I correct in assuming that an MDL file would also contain its necessary textures?

Portal Maps and Mods - browse, rate, play

it can export to .mdl, either natively or with a plug-in, ive done it before :P
I'm not sure what they do to save animation states... or if the model is one object or more... a morpher modifier for animation states perhaps... not sure but 3dsmax is a major game modelling platform, I'd bet money they modelled all their custom models in max :P

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Are you sure that 3dsm can export to .mdl? I am pretty sure you have to export to .smd or whatever, and use studiomdl to compile the model to be readable by source, hence the requirement of having a .qc file.

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@ Artesia: I thought Valve used XSI.

Portal Maps and Mods - browse, rate, play

mm I think you're right msleeper, I have seen .mdl exported using plug-ins but on further look it looks like its for another app not games :s

I'm really not sure what valve uses, I was just making a guess as 3dsmax seems to be big in the game industry. personally I haven't had any experience in softimage...

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From the Valve wiki:

All of the models in Half-Life 2 were created with Softimage|XSI. A free version Softimage|XSI, called XSI Mod Tool is especially tailored for prop and character creation by modders and is available at Softimage's site ( Version 6 includes the Valve Source plug-in (essential when you create contents for Source Engine), tutorials, forums, and other resources for getting started with the Softimage|XSI Mod Tool.

Full page here:


well I know it can be done with 3dsmax, as ive seen it done (not by me or I would know exactly how, I just know he used max :P)

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