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How to approach a comic book company?

Approaching a comic book company in the UK requires a well-prepared and professional approach. Here's a short guide:

  1. Research the Company: Understand the types of comics they publish, their submission guidelines, and the company's preferred genre, style, and audience.
  2. Prepare Your Pitch: Develop a concise pitch that includes a summary of your comic, key characters, and the main storyline. Highlight what makes your comic unique.
  3. Create a Strong Portfolio: Ensure your artwork or writing is polished and organized. Include sample pages, cover designs, and character concepts. If you're a writer, provide a script or detailed story outline.
  4. Follow Submission Guidelines: Comic publishers often have specific guidelines. Check their website for details on how they accept submissions. Many comic book publishing companies have digital submission forms or email addresses dedicated to new pitches.
  5. Write a Professional Query: Craft a well-written cover letter or email introducing yourself, your experience, and why you believe your comic fits their brand. Keep it concise and professional.
  6. Be Patient and Follow Up: It can take time to hear back from publishers. If they don’t respond within the given timeframe, it’s okay to send a polite follow-up.