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How To Decompile Portal 2 Models

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It's not, unless you get yor partner to install a modded items file.

Falsi sumus crusto!

I thought that was the case.
Thanks anyway.

I tried this guide but it wasn't work for me. Can someone decompile the models of Atlas and P-Body, please? Just the LOD0 without any skeleton or animations.

Probably you could do that by yourself. You just would need to tell us where/what problem occurs.

Did you make sure you also "fixed" modelsballbot_animations.mdl as said in the last part of the tutorial?

I just tried it. The decompiler crashes, but I got at least a full ballbot_lod0.dmx.smd which is what you want.

I just used google and found this one:
It's more up to date, but I haven't tried it yet. Probably you can try it and let us know if it works.

Edit 2:
I tested PBody using Crowbar. It works absolutely fine! I updated the main topic not to use MDLDecompiler anymore.

Skotty wrote:
Probably you could do that by yourself. You just would need to tell us where/what problem occurs.

Did you make sure you also "fixed" modelsballbot_animations.mdl as said in the last part of the tutorial?

I just tried it. The decompiler crashes, but I got at least a full ballbot_lod0.dmx.smd which is what you want.

I just used google and found this one:
It's more up to date, but I haven't tried it yet. Probably you can try it and let us know if it works.

Edit 2:
I tested PBody using Crowbar. It works absolutely fine! I updated the main topic not to use MDLDecompiler anymore.

Yes, crowbar is freaking awesome. Hail crowbar!

Crowbar works perfect! Thanks, Skotty.

I left working with models for almost a year, because it was so hard to get working, now that i'm back to it i have set my charactor model to a model of link, he walks and picks up the gun just fine the only problem is that he is rotated 90 degrees so half his body is in the ground. does anyone know how to fix this.

Seems as your animations have a problem somewhere. Even if it may be just one of those many animation files. You have to check them all.

My animations is chell's $include "player_animations"

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