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[IDEA] Nodraw

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Hi guys, I've got an idea.
Since almost all of you are Hammer mappers in this forum, I want to talk about nodraw.
The nodraw, as we all know, is yellow, or green if we use a portalable one (useless).
It isn't healthy to ALWAYS see one color, if anyone is a designer and can make it, create colorful versions of nodraw?
It may sound funny (it is lol), but think about this for a second.

Thanks, TreasureGhost.


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When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
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Please no


make it rainbow-nodraw!

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-


Give me red nodraw pls.

Come on TreasureGhost, you are a serious mapper! :lol:

Check the attachment. Place the 2 files under your /materials/tools folder (create it if it doesn't exist). Check for "nodraw" or "toolsnodraw_red" or "red" in your Hammer's texture browser, and it should be there. Use it and compile a map to see if it actually works! ;)

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
josepezdj wrote:
Come on TreasureGhost, you are a serious mapper! :lol:

Check the attachment. Place the 2 files under your /materials/tools folder (create it if it doesn't exist). Check for "nodraw" or "toolsnodraw_red" or "red" in your Hammer's texture browser, and it should be there. Use it and compile a map to see if it actually works! ;)

Aye, Jose, aye.
Thanks for the collaboration, now I can finally have my eyes see red.

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