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Intro to Kaiaatsel/Wazzazzle/Insert other names here

:trying a new kind of intro, hope no one minds:


[Remove Hello and insert better greeting here]

[Insert preamble about self here]

:turret: Error: Self blank or nonexistent. Proceed to reason for signing up:

I've been a fan of Portal since I got it for [Insert holiday name here] in 2007 - it was the first Valve game I played actually. Portal 2 was the first ever game I preordered though I didn't do it on Steam. I bought the Orange box in 2009 (meaning I have 2 copies of Portal - it was worth it for the other stuff though). I haven't finished Portal 1 either, I'm stuck at some point after the test chambers but I'll eventually figure it out. I have finished the singleplayer mode of Portal 2 - epic!

I've been playing around with Hammer since 2008 or 2009 I think, though I haven't actually finished any maps yet, I definitely understand what I'm doing.

Generally the level of technology and graphics in games doesn't matter to me as long as the game is fun. I tend to like games best when they're different from the norm, regardless of the genre. The games I play most are Portal (obviously), Descent (a series which started in 1995 and was put on hold after 2000), Sonic the Hedgehog (though I don't have any consoles to play most of the games on :? ), Spore, and TrackMania.

[Insert statement that I am a musician here]

[Insert my musician name: "Vertigo Fox" here]

[Insert Vertigo Fox's musician page here]

The name 'Kaiaatsel' comes from a Sci-Fi/Fantasy novel I'm co-writing with my brother. Kaia is a character I concepted, a human who's abducted by a time-traveling alien and arrives in the future as something... else. I like the sound of the name a lot and so I'm using it for myself more and more - including on my steam profile.

[Insert farewell here]

P.S. I had to sign up twice because the first time I didn't recieve the activation email. The account was called 'wazzazzle' and it was under the email adress ''. If an admin or mod could delete that duplicate account it would be appreciated.

When I die I want to be dissected by some mad genius and used in one of his evil schemes. It's great to be part of something bigger than yourself.

Humorous nonetheless, but you could of just said you like making stuff for portal 2, and "Hi".

Currently working on Darksiders 3.

Lol you're right - maybe I should have put this on my blog and just linked to it there. :P

I got so lost in writing I didn't realize it was so long. Trimming out the fat now.

Edit: Fat trimmed.

When I die I want to be dissected by some mad genius and used in one of his evil schemes. It's great to be part of something bigger than yourself.


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