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Is Hammer crazy or is it me?

Please tell me I'm overlooking something obvious, because I've wasted hours trying to figure this out.

I have a button on a wall, so it's vertical, rather than horizontal. When I press the button, it moves out (i.e. towards me). No worries, right? I change the Move Direction from "0 0 90" to "0 0 -90", but the button still moves out instead of in!

I've re-created it many times but it still happens. Even more maddening, when I turn the button 90 degrees, or lay it on the floor, it works! 90 moves down, -90 moves up (or vice versa).

I've attached the map in case anyone cares to save me from going crazy...


The two buttons on the left were actually set to move up and down veritcally. What you want is 0 0 0 for out and 0 180 0 for in

i think the general answer to that question is always... 'hammer.'


The cake is a PI


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Thanks for the response. I created this post late at night just before bed so I wasn't as clear as I should've been.

The two buttons that don't behave correctly are the two closest the player when you load this map. There is a "help" decal on the floor to indicate the two problematic buttons.

The other buttons in the room are there to show that the buttons work at different angles and orientations.

So my question is, why does it happen that when the buttons are vertical and oriented the way they are, the func_door always comes out towards the player, but at every other angle and orientation it works correctly?

It *could* be some small thing or setting I've done or overlooked, but I doubt it so I was looking for a sanity check, or wondering if someone else had come across this problem.

You are using the wrong axis in your angles. To get the button functioning the way you want it to, use "0 180 0".

The third axis seems to have no effect with regards to buttons, so both your buttons were being treated as oriented to 0 0 0 (east in the overhead view).

Damn, you guys were right! I just got home and was able to try it in Hammer and it worked!

Wow, then I totally don't understand Pitch/Yaw/Roll works... I understand NocturnalGhost's explanation that the Roll didn't affect the buttons and therefore they both defaulted to the equivalent of "0 0 0". But I don't get why "0 0 0" goes one way for the button and "0 180 0" goes the other way.

Well, they're 180 degrees different, I get *that*. But I don't understand how you're supposed to figure out to use the second number in this case and how you know which ways 0 and 180 correspond to.

I don't suppose someone cares to explain to a newbie...? :oops:

There's a little circle on the top right corner of the entity properties window. You can set the direction of the movement by clicking on this little circle. The direction is represented by an angle from 0? to 359? where 0? is "to the right" (on the top view window, it moves along the X axis incrementing its abscissa), 90? is "to the top" (on the top view window, it moves along the Y axis incrementing its ordinate), 180? is "to the left" (on the top view window, it moves along the X axis decrementing its abscissa), 270? is "to the bottom" (on the top view window, it moves along the Y axis decrementing its ordinate).

This circle is used to set the direction quicker but only allows to set the movement on the XY plane. You can also use an angle that combines movement on the X and the Y axis, like 39? (to the right and to the top), 217? or 347?. If you want something to move along the Z axis, you should use the Pitch Yaw Roll field or the drop down menu just besides the circle, where you can set "Up" or "Down".