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Is it just me and a few other people. . .

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Some people I know and talked to and I are having trouble with Orange Box Games. Ep1, L4D games work fine, just OB games are screwy. .

Things missing/screwed include

-Missing entity: item_suit.
-Area Portals are ALWAYS Closed
-Moving animations while standing still on the view model
-Portal's Camera does not wake and watch you.
-Portal's Elevator doors don't do the open animation.
-Missing soundscapes
-Missing custom overlays

That seems to be it. This may be fixed by tomorrow or something but If anyone knows why OB is screwed now, please tell me.

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

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I just noticed this 30 minutes ago. I've had this game for almost a year and this just started tonight. Most notably the elevator doors opening animation. You have to walk through them. Also the moving animation while standing still.

One other thing I noticed was that the clock, used in timed challenges, is visible at the beginning of the level, but disapears a little bit later.

Anyone know whats going on? My steam account did an automatic update before all this started happening.



Happens to my EP2's mod too, stuff going crazy, I hope it'll get fix soon, I have time to work on it today.

Odd, I just tested out Portal and it's happening to me as well. I'll ask Jeep about this later.


Had this happen after reepblue, and it affected all my Orange Box games and mods, TF2 is back up and running properly but my Portal, EP2, and mods like Synergy have a frozen HUD and messed up Model animations.

jrlauer wrote:
Anyone know whats going on? My steam account did an automatic update before all this started happening.


For me, I was updating maps and I wanted to test them. . And I noticed my doors were not opening. I was like: "I'll look at it later." Then I saw the Player Model was not working right. Then I thought that I modified portal too much and over loaded the engine! D:"

I then went to my real Portal game (No modification), same story there. . .

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

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I'm not versed very well in programming, but could this possibly be happening because steam had a bug in one of their updates? This all started right after my account updated itself.

jrlauer wrote:
I'm not versed very well in programming, but could this possibly be happening because steam had a bug in one of their updates? This all started right after my account updated itself.

Maybe, but for me Steam did not update. .

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

The more you give, the less appreciated it will be received.

iv had this too...
started yesterday i think... i was playing someones custom map and the door to the cube inerator didnt appear to open, even if it was open... :S
In another chamber none of the turrents activated.... making it quite an easy level to complete... :P

If its not from steam, then doesn't it mean one of the maps is bugged?

The first one I noticed this on was, AB_test. But I've had that one for a long time. The last map I installed before this happened I think was Irrational Chamber 2. I'll have to check that to be sure.

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