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Known Possible Soloutions Thread

This thread is for our known solutions that may work for other people's problems, and please give credit to the solution giver. Also, if you post a solution that was found in someone else's question/thread, please credit them too.

These are mine (from my questions):

Portal2 Portal 2 mod crashing on other systems: Delete the bin folder inside of the sourcemod folder (Solution given by CamBen)

Portal2 Models Missing texture or Invisible: Make sure the paths are correct (Solution given by Crawfish)

Portal2 No 'Paint in Map' in Map Properties: Turn off smartedit and add the keyvalue 'paintinmap' (without quotes) and set it to 1. (Soloution given by TeamSpen210)

This... sentence... is... false.... dontthinkaboutdontthinkaboutdontthinkaboutdontthinkaboutdontthinkaboutit
Thanks in advance :thumbup:

Q: My lighting blablabla.
A: Did you check "Disable shadows" on the offending object?
