I was a about to run a map of mine, when it said one of my triggers was leaked. Going to the co-ordinates, I discovered my trigger_once was perfectly set just above some slime in the level. I ran it again, and the same thing happened. Any ideas???
I was a about to run a map of mine, when it said one of my triggers was leaked. Going to the co-ordinates, I discovered my trigger_once was perfectly set just above some slime in the level. I ran it again, and the same thing happened. Any ideas???
*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*
TeamSpen210 wrote:
Map ? load Pointfile, find the red line and seal up the hole so your map is fully enclosed. Alternately, the origin (blue ball in 3D view, hollow circle in 2D view) of the trigger_once or something else may be outside - move that back in to fix it.
The red line leads from my trigger to outside, what does that mean?
TeamSpen210 wrote:
Map ? load Pointfile, find the red line and seal up the hole so your map is fully enclosed. Alternately, the origin (blue ball in 3D view, hollow circle in 2D view) of the trigger_once or something else may be outside - move that back in to fix it.
The red line leads from my trigger to outside, what does that mean?
*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*
CamBen wrote:
That means you need to cover up the gap where that red line is leaking with a world brush
Thanks, the leak was so tiny I could't see it.
CamBen wrote:
That means you need to cover up the gap where that red line is leaking with a world brush
Thanks, the leak was so tiny I could't see it.
*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*