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lolz dont understand working with npcs :s

im working with an npc in my next map but its strange on the tuts i read. one about barney runnning over a bridge. so we place an info_node on the side barneys on and one on the other side of the bridge, then an info_node_link connecting the 2 info_nodes. ok "this is the path barney will be taking over the bridge". then we place a scripted sequence on the other side wich are the one making barney walk? so what does this have to do with the info_nodes?

I have used two path_corners and that's it.
no scripted sequences, no info nodes or anything of that stuff :wink:

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(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
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Mek wrote:
I have used two path_corners and that's it.
no scripted sequences, no info nodes or anything of that stuff :wink:

the differences is im doing more advanced stuff and path_corners are walking and doing when map spawns. i need them to do animations too and stuff :wink: . well i think im about learning what they does so NVM :shock:

ok i have a problem with 1 thing. i want my npc (not exposing wich one ^^) to crouch thru a 64 units high ... umm vent thing. but my npc jsut stands .. i putted a scripted_sequence in there with a custom walk animation of a crouch walk and then walk to position: custom walk. but my npc just stands and doesnt walk in ..