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ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
Say Chell has experienced life after death and her lovely mother must know what the Android Hell was going on.

Android hell, of course!


pestchamber wrote:
Android hell, of course!


My avatar is actually what I think Android Hell logo would look like. Noticed the Pentagram? :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.

I don't believe in android hell.

You got me with that goodbye, but maybe it was just GLaDOS assuming that chell would find her way out. Maybe the easiest way to give her directions is with reverse psychology, which GLaDOS directly denies using in the fight with her. GLaDOS, however, lies.

theVDude wrote:
I don't believe in android hell.

You got me with that goodbye, but maybe it was just GLaDOS assuming that chell would find her way out. Maybe the easiest way to give her directions is with reverse psychology, which GLaDOS directly denies using in the fight with her. GLaDOS, however, lies.

GLaDOS became completely sarcastic at this point. :D

EDIT: Changing the subject: :D

Was Chamber 16 a correct path for the test, or was there another chamber Chell did never notice?

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
GLaDOS became completely sarcastic at this point. :D

EDIT: Changing the subject: :D

Was Chamber 16 a correct path for the test, or was there another chamber Chell did never notice?

Yes, you can find it here: dload.php?action=file&file_id=71

On our on forum...

Ok new subject i guess;

Do you think the companion cube has EVER spoken to any other test subjects? I mean, GLaDOS wouldn't say stuff like this if it never happened right? And if this is true, what could it's "advice" be?

pestchamber wrote:
Ok new subject i guess;

Do you think the companion cube has EVER spoken to any other test subjects? I mean, GLaDOS wouldn't say stuff like this if it never happened right? And if this is true, what could it's "advice" be?

The Rat Man Den in Chamber 17 clearly says "The companion cube DOES speak", and if he hallucinates, he could imagine a cake, too. :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
The Rat Man Den in Chamber 17 clearly says "The companion cube DOES speak", and if he hallucinates, he could imagine a cake, too. :D

I see what you did there 8)

But wait... Does that mean.. the really is a lie? :cry:

pestchamber wrote:
I see what you did there 8)

But wait... Does that mean.. the really is a lie? :cry:

Yes. I was right when this storm just started.

ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
My suggestion is: the cake is a lie, because the "cake" appeared because of GLaDOS' run-time error.


Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.

Is it me or does this quote from a hl wiki not make sense?

Combine OverWiki wrote:
Intrestingly, the Rat Man's hand prints appear to have five fingers, suggesting he has been mutated slightly, which could possibly explain his odd Behavior.
pestchamber wrote:
I see what you did there 8)

But wait... Does that mean.. the really is a lie? :cry:

God damn it i forgot the word "cake" :<

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