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Map styles.

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I've found that Portal offers a wide variaty of 'map styles' or just how to solve the puzzle in a map.

Some people prefer a difficult fast reflex way to get to the exit.
Some people prefer a complex thinking way to get the exit.

I think these really make what a map is. A puzzle is easy if you see the solution very fast and completing it is very simple. A puzzle is hard when you need high reflexes for it, and you need to think over it real hard to finish it. You can also add a time limit to the thinking time, such as in the trailer, to increase difficulty.

In maps there is also the results of failure, will you be killed, or will there be a fast way back to the beginning? Personally, I don't like being killed all day and I prefer falling down on a floor allowing you to climb back. Loading message annoys me most :P
Dying in the game can bring a nice challenge though, and isn't bad at all if used right way.

Use of physic objects is a real fun thing to include in your maps aswell, I haven't seen anything such as a balance puzzle in any map yet. A map with lots of phyics is fun, but can also be very busy. Cubes are important part of the puzzles, but you can easily use other items aswell. In my maps I mostly place a radio around which you can take with you troughout the game if you like.
Building a small tower of blocks or objects, to gain height for a jump is a fun use of physics too.

Just to point out some things which could be loads of fun in maps.

I could be completely wrong about what I wrote above here, I don't have that much expierence mapping with portal at all.
The point of this thread is to tell people that there are loads of things not yet used in maps, exploiting these variations can live up your map and make it pop out of other maps.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

To be honest, I also like "easy" maps. Maps where you don't really have any kind of complex way of getting to the exit, just slightly incrementally harder.

In essence, like the Portal single player. I have yet to play a map which offers the same difficulty curve.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster
Hober wrote:
To be honest, I also like "easy" maps. Maps where you don't really have any kind of complex way of getting to the exit, just slightly incrementally harder.

In essence, like the Portal single player. I have yet to play a map which offers the same difficulty curve.

makin' one. Lolol

Duffedwaffe wrote:
makin' one. Lolol


"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

Whats up with that picture... I see it around alot :P

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

Seemed the most appropriate way to sum up my sentiment of "High five!"

Or, uh,

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster


Anyone? come on, don't leave me hanging.

Companion Cube Chronicles WIP:
Story: 22.22222% Design: 33.33333%
Levels: 4.44444% Cake: 0.00000%
Voices: 0.0^3% in base 4
New models & Textures: ((e^28/pi*7)/0 - 42)%
Grief counseling: 111.11111%
Wroth wrote:


Jumping high five!


Companion Cube Chronicles WIP:
Story: 22.22222% Design: 33.33333%
Levels: 4.44444% Cake: 0.00000%
Voices: 0.0^3% in base 4
New models & Textures: ((e^28/pi*7)/0 - 42)%
Grief counseling: 111.11111%

I think anything that can kill the player needs to have a specific reason for inclusion in the puzzle. Such as, put in toxic water to prevent a drop being used for momentum, or put in a turret to foil tunneling. I don't like maps that put water and/or turrets all over just for the hell of it.

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