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Uh... sorry I don't know where I can ask this (I'm new at this) but... can someone explain me about momentum? Thank you 🙂

Momentum is a Portal game mechanic that involves players to redirect their speed in one direction to another. One example: the exit is on the other side of the map on an elevated plataform without portal surfaces. The side in which the player is has a portal surface above the height of the exit plataform and a hole which has a portal surface on the bottom floor of it. The solution would require momentum: placing the blue portal on the hole, the other on the portal surface on the player's side and jump on the hole.

Johnnie John Johnson has reacted to this post.
Johnnie John Johnson

Also, I think this topic should be on Hammer and Modding.

Johnnie John Johnson has reacted to this post.
Johnnie John Johnson