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Moving to a new forum

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I'm still here, tho pretty non-active.

just don't delete me <3

I'm the same way. I'm not all that active, but I'd love to contribute (or re-contribute) anything lost to the community during the transition. Just remember to take a lot of screen shots and memorabilia of the first official Portal community website. It was an amazing experience... really it was.

I like my girls like I like my cars, I like them fast, I like them automatic, and I know I'm in trouble if I reach down and feel a stick.

I do not usually post but im watching...

I guess I don't post enough. I've been quite busy. Anyway, I would keep the wiki myself, I hope the move goes alright.

The square root of rope is string.

Thanks for the heads up. And please keep the wiki! Great stuff on there.

I'm still alive here.
What are we moving to?

Also, during the move, could you change my name to Zedo Mann?

Fuck the system!

Test Subject wrote:
I'm still alive here.
What are we moving to?

Also, during the move, could you change my name to Zedo Mann?

Yeah; it seems odd that you're a test subject AND a test supervisor :P

I haven't been very active in here lately, but I'm still working on my next map pack. I'm going to release a beta when chamber 4 is done, and worry about chamber 5 later.

Please keep the wiki. It would also be nice to keep the download database as well; people might forget to re-upload their stuff to the new site.

Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic

I'm (sort of) active here. Also, keep the wiki.


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