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My first Map: In The Darkness


I'm JimmysMadness and I'm Italian...sorry for my bad English

I've created a new scenic impact, based on darkness and lightning. It's my first mapping in my whole life...I had to learn everything..
I hope you like it

my map you can find on section "Downloads"

Copy and Paste the folder JimmysManess in the folder Maps and you can load the map from Bonus Map in Portal.
I see that more person write in the file .bns a percors of file but you can put all file in one folder and in the file .bns you can write

fo example my .bns:

"In The Darkness"
"map" "./inthedarkness"
"image" "./darkness.tga"
"comment" "by JimmysMadness"
"lock" "0"

look ./ and no for example "folder/inthedarkness"

and make the .tga for the screenshot and no vtf or vmt and put in the file VGUI...
I put all file in one folder. and it work!

I hope you undertand me.
I expect comment for my map

see you

P.S. I've correct my map about something bug. I hope that now is more beautiful to play...thanks



^ for those of you too lazy to go to the DB to get the link.

I played this map when it was first uploaded, before the forum post. I honestly can't remember anything about it right now other than the fact that I had to turn my gamma settings up to the max just to be able to complete the first puzzle. Which I was not a fan of.

I'll play it again later, and give more opinions.


eh no, you can solve the map in the darkness!!! :shock:

the dark is my friend :P hihihi!!

Yeah, I downloaded it as it arrived too; I'd have commented before except that I apparently do not have permission to make new topics in the release area. . .

IMO, the "darkness" did not aid to the entertainment in any way; not even in 'atmosphere'. The many big screens was a cool and interesting affect though, albiet it made no sense whatsoever.

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Not a bad first try though; keep'em coming.

Well a better idea would be to have a room that you have to actually navigate using portals. For example shooting the portal gun at floors along a metal walkway so the particles show where you can walk.
