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Newb Question: Brushes

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This is just presumption on my part, but wouldn't the BSP generator split faces anyway?

Link, mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!
msleeper wrote:
The larger and more complex your level gets, the more you will have to jump through optimumization hoops. It is a process that a rare few have mastered. There may be some instances where clipping brushes to create more is cheaper to render than the engine doing a texture fill, but don't expect to run into it any time soon.

Dude. Just use hints to cut off smart vis leaves. Using this wisely will result in an optimized rendering process.

Use occluders. These hide any entities behind them, and are a great way to disable any entities in past chambers.

Using these two correctly will result in better fps and r_speeds.

Sanity is not statistical.

Overuseage of hint brushes can cause more harm than good, so I'm not going to recommend it to someone new.

Occluders stop the rendering of models, and only models that are entirely blocked up by the occluder. If you are making a prop-heavy map, these can be a lifesaver.

Hint brushes are nice, but areaportals reign fucking supreme.

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