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You guys are on my hobby right now.

Web development, programming, etc.

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I switch between a full time job and school each semester. When I'm working, I just don't feel like doing anything and just play TF2 and surf the net.

During school, I have more time, so I draw, work on my computer, build a new computer, ect.

interus wrote:
I take it you're either unemployed or in school?

Yeah, I'm a college student with too much free time on his hands.

I'd be cool and say that I play Guitar, but it doesn't really count considering it's plastic. :(

Pshaw. I still beat GH3 on expert at any rate.

Eating tacos.
Drinking Dr. Pepper.
Designing levels.

Work takes up most of my time but besides mapping I game (like most of us here), surf the net a bit and walk my dog. I used to play drums all the time but had to sell my beautiful Pearl kit when I got my condo, I still hack around on a pad as well as do some writing for a local high school drum line my buddy teaches. I stop by and do some little informal clinic type things from time to time too.


I find myself playing Call of duty 4 about three hours a day lately. I've also been recently mapping for Unreal Tournament 3 and Crysis. I should to get back to mapping Hammer again.

Hm, been a long time.

Well there's work: about 15-18 hours a week of delivering pizzas, it barely pays the bills and leaves me enough to eat and go out with my girlfriend.

Hobbies: Gaming (Deus Ex, Portal, Grid Wars, UT3, and Another World)
Reading (currently rereading the Sandman graphic novels)
Hiking/Exploring(when the weather is nice, but its not now ...and my knee aches)
and of coarse spending "quality time" with my girlfriend. :D

See sig.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

Portal (mapping) is really just a subset of my larger hobby of map design, which is really just a subset of my larger hobby of game design.

I'm hoping someday sooner rather than later it stops being a hobby.

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