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p2map_publish fix!!!

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Yes, Publisher is still broken =(, silver cave rock walls r fixed tho.

Level designer, 3D modeler, texture artist ,environment artist.
Sejievan wrote:
Yes, Publisher is still broken =(, silver cave rock walls r fixed tho.

took like 5 of us emailing them about it to get that fixed

Also, I made a map just for you! Sunset
Click Here to view my Workshop and play my puzzlemaker maps

This fix is really helpful.

I just kinda realised something. I wonder if it's possible to just reimplement p2_map_publish? Anyone tried snopping at the internet traffic?

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

link dead

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