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Parenting a cube

Weird title, ah?

Can I somehow tie (parent) a weighted cube to something? Both prop_weighted_cube and prop_physics do not have a SetParent command in the I/O.


you could give phys_constraint a go :)

although "setparent" shows up red and invalid, in the game it is still valid so I suggest trying it still.

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

Thanks! Ill try those :)

I would use a prop_dynamic_overide where the movel is the cube to make it look like the cube is parented.

If you a saying you want to make the cube parented to another object then I believe I can help you.

What you will need is the name of the parent and thats all.

Ok step 1-open the cubes properties where you find the cube settings and such.

Step 2-near the top right corner of the settings you will see a button with the name smart edit.

step 3-putting it in smart edit you can manually add a parent to near anything so now click add.

Step 4-when you click add a new window should popup that says keyvalue, first under key type in "parentname" without the "".

Step 5-Last part, under value type in the name of the parent.

All thats left is to click ok, exit smart edit, and apply. now your cube should be parented to your object you chose.
