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Pdmod version 2 Beemod 2 compatible UPDATE 2.

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Which version of the destroyed styles are you making: Pre-GLaDOS reactivation (lots of plants) or post-GLaDOS reactivation (no plants, lots of broken panels)? I'd like to restyle my own items to fit, and I need to know which aesthetic to go for. I've also made a version of indicator_toggle.vmf that makes indicator lights flicker blue/orange when on and just blue when off that you might want to use. I'd also suggest adding "Base" "1950s" or "Base" "Clean" to your style definition (like 1960-1980 styles). This will make them use items from those styles if you haven't overridden them, so people can still use items that aren't fully styled yet.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

Nothing works. Everything I've tried gives a error in the PTI when I try to build. The only one that works is the fire panels. Yes, I put it in the correct folder. It prompted me if I want to replace 1 or 2 files. I said no because I looked through the unzipped folders before hand, and saw some were identical to what I already had. I figured the ones I didn't have would merge in. Should I have said yes when prompted to replace existing files.

These items show up in the palette, but they don't work.


You will have to merge all of the folders and since you already installed this you will have to replace all the files that conflict with it

a friend of mine tried to install without replacing the items and had to reinstall my mod for it to work correctly

sorry for any errors that have accured

TeamSpen210 wrote:
Which version of the destroyed styles are you making: Pre-GLaDOS reactivation (lots of plants) or post-GLaDOS reactivation (no plants, lots of broken panels)? I'd like to restyle my own items to fit, and I need to know which aesthetic to go for. I've also made a version of indicator_toggle.vmf that makes indicator lights flicker blue/orange when on and just blue when off that you might want to use. I'd also suggest adding "Base" "1950s" or "Base" "Clean" to your style definition (like 1960-1980 styles). This will make them use items from those styles if you haven't overridden them, so people can still use items that aren't fully styled yet.

more of post glados reativation, I like this indicator light idea, I might so this last part sometime


I already went back and tried replacing the files. I use 7zip, and I was expecting the option to merge, but all I got was the option to replace. I did it again and went with the option to replace. I put them in the common folder as instructed. All these items show up in the palette and they can be exported, and show up in the editor. This means they went in the proper directory, but I'm still getting the same problem with errors when I go to build. Even some of the items in the editor show the blue "ERROR" symbol when placing them.

which items to which did this problem uccur if it was the gravity guns they should be fixed with the update I just added


Actually it was all items that caused errors. The only ones I found that worked so far was the fire panels and small living panels. Even the angled blocks caused errors. I thought that because those are static objects, there'd be no issue. Haven't tried the gravity gun, but I'll go see.

Edit: I went and tried the gravity gun. That item works okay.

Did you try the newest update because this problem has only been told of by you


I just tried the newest update, ADDONS.16, and I'm still getting errors. Some things work, but most don't. Even something as simple as a 45 degree block wont work. And if I'm the only one who has mentioned this problem, then something is wrong with the game. If I try using "Verify Game File Integrity", then I'm worried I'll have to re-install every mod and add-on. Which I don't want to have to do.

Maybe I should try 13 just for the heck of it and see if an older version works.

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