Perpetual Testing Initiative
Quote from autobzooty on May 8, 2012, 7:14 amLogic wrote:How do you download the update? :Oi keep F5ing ThinkWithPortals and ThinkingWithPortals and I keep validating my Portal 2 files and nothing is happeningggggggg
i keep F5ing ThinkWithPortals and ThinkingWithPortals and I keep validating my Portal 2 files and nothing is happeningggggggg
Quote from mZLY on May 8, 2012, 7:29 amI wouldn't expect it for another 3-5 hours yet bros. I'm also checking and my Portal 2 every so often though. xD
I wouldn't expect it for another 3-5 hours yet bros. I'm also checking and my Portal 2 every so often though. xD
Quote from autobzooty on May 8, 2012, 7:31 ammZLY wrote:I wouldn't expect it for another 3-5 hours yet bros. I'm also checking and my Portal 2 every so often though. xDwell they put up a blog post effectively saying it's out but yeah you're probably right. i'm too impatient.
well they put up a blog post effectively saying it's out but yeah you're probably right. i'm too impatient.
Quote from madcat1030 on May 8, 2012, 10:09 amIn the upload box, is there a [WIP] hashmark tag for people uploading things that they plan on expanding upon in the future, or to share with a few friends/forum-mates for feedback?
Also, valve tends to make things go live between noon and two, from my experience. I think that's pacific time, but it might have been eastern, I can't remember.
In the upload box, is there a [WIP] hashmark tag for people uploading things that they plan on expanding upon in the future, or to share with a few friends/forum-mates for feedback?
Also, valve tends to make things go live between noon and two, from my experience. I think that's pacific time, but it might have been eastern, I can't remember.
Quote from madcat1030 on May 8, 2012, 10:21 amWell I nearly had a joy aneurism... Portal downloaded a file (way too small, though, I should have known better) and "Finalized installation" when I went to start it. What a tease.
Well I nearly had a joy aneurism... Portal downloaded a file (way too small, though, I should have known better) and "Finalized installation" when I went to start it. What a tease.
Quote from Logic on May 8, 2012, 10:42 amI want the first one who starts the download to yell it out on the forums!
I want the first one who starts the download to yell it out on the forums!
Quote from madcat1030 on May 8, 2012, 10:51 amlpfreaky90 wrote:Let's get some questions out of the way:
This is what you can add in the editor:
* Button
* Floor Button
* Cube Button
* Sphere Button* Cube
* Companion cube
* Sphere
* Frenkencube* Funnel
* Faithplate
* Hard light bridge
* Stairs* Fizzler
* Glass/Grate
* elevator
* Moving platform* Laser emitter
* Laser catcher
* Laser relay
* Laser redirection cube* Glass panel
* moving panel (30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees I believe) (either portalable or not)
* Flipping panel (portalable yes/no)
* Observation room (light source)* Laser fields
* Turret
* Water
* Lamps (light source)* Blue gel
* Orange gel
* White gel
* WaterIndicator lights are done automatically.
That's what you can add... ... what you can build with it is up to you!Question: The glass panel, can it be used as a collapsing (or button-controlled) floor panel mounted into a wall upside down?
This is what you can add in the editor:

* Button
* Floor Button
* Cube Button
* Sphere Button
* Cube
* Companion cube
* Sphere
* Frenkencube
* Funnel
* Faithplate
* Hard light bridge
* Stairs
* Fizzler
* Glass/Grate
* elevator
* Moving platform
* Laser emitter
* Laser catcher
* Laser relay
* Laser redirection cube
* Glass panel
* moving panel (30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees I believe) (either portalable or not)
* Flipping panel (portalable yes/no)
* Observation room (light source)
* Laser fields
* Turret
* Water
* Lamps (light source)
* Blue gel
* Orange gel
* White gel
* Water
Indicator lights are done automatically.
That's what you can add... ... what you can build with it is up to you!
Question: The glass panel, can it be used as a collapsing (or button-controlled) floor panel mounted into a wall upside down?
Quote from spongylover123 on May 8, 2012, 10:56 ammadcat1030 wrote:Question: The glass panel, can it be used as a collapsing (or button-controlled) floor panel mounted into a wall upside down?Yes.
Quote from Motanum on May 8, 2012, 10:59 amRelax everyone!
Its about 8 am at Seattle, so most guys would probably be arriving at the office.
My guess is that it will be updated in the midday/evening based on previous updates. In no way is this an official estimate.
Relax everyone!
Its about 8 am at Seattle, so most guys would probably be arriving at the office.
My guess is that it will be updated in the midday/evening based on previous updates. In no way is this an official estimate.
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB
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